
Foster Care FAQ

How long do children stay in foster care?
A child's time in out of home care can vary, the average length of stay is 1-1.5 years.

Must a foster parent accept any child the agency offers?
No, available information about a child is shared with you before placement so that you can decide whether the child would be a good fit for your home. On occasional emergency situations, very little may be known about the child.

Do I have to be married or own my own home?
Single adults may apply to be foster parents and you do not have to own your own home.

What are the basic requirements to be a foster parent?
You must be 21 years of age or older and a responsible, mature individual to become a licensed foster parent. You will be asked to provide truthful information regarding alcohol and drug abuse and law violations that may hinder your ability to provide a stable, nurturing environment. Giving false information or withholding information can be grounds for denial of a license.

What is the process to become a licensed foster parent?
You will complete an application packet and consent to necessary back ground checks. The agency will process the back ground checks and you will be contacted once they are complete and passed to start the home study process. The home study consists for a series of 4 home visits with you, your family, and a social worker.  Once the home study is complete and approved you will be issued your foster care license. Ongoing training opportunities will be provided.  

Who pays for the care of the children in foster care?
Foster parents receive a monthly reimbursement for the child's living expenses from the placement agency. There are also supplemental payments for the care of children with special needs.

How are the child’s medical needs paid for?
Foster children are covered by Title XIX (Medical Assistance) or the insurance of their natural parents.

What sleeping arrangements should I have for a child?
Children over one year old may not share a bedroom with an adult. Children over six years old may not share a bedroom with a child of the opposite sex and each foster child must have his or her own bed.

Can I have a job and care for a foster child?
A foster parent may work outside of the home. Any out-of-home provider of day care shall be licensed or certified and funding is available to assist with day care expenses.

Will I be involved with the child’s natural parents?
It is an agency expectation that foster parents communicate and work with birth parents. Your worker will help schedule the visits and make travel arrangements. The social worker may schedule meetings involving the natural parents and foster parents.

Can I take a foster child on vacation?
Yes. If you are planning on taking a child out of the state, prior approval is needed from the supervising agency.

What kind of support services are available?
You will be assigned to a Foster Care Support Worker and they will help you understand your foster child and find resources available to assist with any challenges that may arise. Special training sessions are made available and support groups are available in some communities.

Who do I contact for more information?
For more information and an application at (920) 448-4144 or