
What is Foster Care?

Foster care is a temporary alternative for a child when their own home becomes unsafe to meet their needs. Placement is intended to give the child's family time to make necessary changes so that the child can live safely with their parents again. When children cannot return home, they find permanence through guardianship with relatives or as a last resort adoption.

All children in out of home care have gone through at least one traumatic experience. The behaviors that each child displays can be a reaction to this. Children in out of home care range in age from 0 to 18 years old.

Family embracingAs a foster parent you will communicate and maintain relationships when possible, with birth parents. 
  • Brown County is the 4th largest county in Wisconsin. We currenlty have 80 general foster homes and there is a need for many more.
  • Approximately 300 children are in foster care in Brown County, and more enter each week.
  • About 10-15 children enter out of home care on a monthly basis.
  • On average children will spend 1-1.5 years in out of home care before finding permanence. 
Click here to hear from a CPS Supervisor about the common myths and questions around foster care

Types of Foster Homes:
General Foster Home: These homes provide care to children while the family is working toward reunification. The foster parents become active members of the child's care plan. 

Receiving Home: These short term, contracted homes accept placement 24/7. They can have children for up to 60 days in their care before the children are moved to a general foster home.
Respite Home: These certified homes provide care to children for short periods of time to help maintain or prevent out-of-home placements and to provide additional support to foster homes.

Is Being a Foster Parent for You?
Most people have more to offer a child than they think and you can make a positive difference that will last a lifetime.  Every day foster parents help support children and families who need it the most. 

Getting startedOther helpful information:
Brown County Foster Care: Phone: (920) 448-4144  •  Click here to email
Mailing Address: 111 N Jefferson Street  •  Green Bay, WI 54301