Mom and Fawn
Mom and Fawn
Bay Shore
Bay Shore


To enrich the quality of life in our community through a comprehensive system of open space and outdoor recreational facilities with an emphasis on natural resources, recreation and environmental education.


The Brown County Board created the Park Commission November 21, 1928. The first park in the system was Pamperin Park, developed in the mid- 1930s.
Since the 1930s the nation has undergone many changes and recreation and quality of life are common threads that bond citizen's of Brown County. The Parks Department currently manages 18 areas encompassing 3,106 acres for uses aligning with nature study, environmental protection, water access, indoor and outdoor gathering spaces, motorized recreation trails, passive recreation trails, camping and more.


The Department welcomes over one-million visitors annually with the following services:

Our Team:

Director of Parks, Matt Kriese

Administrative Staff:
Administrative Office Secretary, Kim Koenig
Business Manager, Nikki Hilker
Field Manager, Josh Schmitt
Program & Natural Resource Manager, Jason Petrella

Field Staff: 
Park Rangers:  Larry Dettlaff
 ..............................Ben Gordon
.............................. Valerie Ives
.............................. Brady Brusegar
...............................Ben Schuurmans
.............................. Andrew Wokosin
                               Ian Blagrave
Assistant Park Rangers:  Jeff Ott
 ...................................................Anthony Feldkamp
Assistant Naturalist:  Logan Lasee
Park Educator:  Korey Dobbert

Assisting with duties include:  LTE - Office Support, LTE - Park Rangers, LTE Parks Maintenance, Concession