General Project Information

The Open Project page is updated on a regular basis to reflect current project details. Projects include RFB / RFI / RFP / RFQ / OTL / OTP, hereafter referred to as “Project Detail”. It is the intent of Brown County to contract with a contractor/vendor.
Vendors do not need to be a registered Vendor with Brown County to submit documentation, hereafter referred to as “Vendor Responses”, for open project(s).

Tentative Project Timeline

The 'Tentative Project Timeline' is a list of suggeseted dates for planning purposes, and to represent the County’s desired timeline for implementing this project. Any revision to the Due Date for vendor submission requirement will be made by addendum. All other dates may be adjusted without notice, as needs and circumstances dictate.

Project Detail Change

Project Details are valid and correct at the time the project is posted on the Brown County and the Onvia webpages.

  • Brown County reserves the right to make changes when deemed necessary
  • It is the potential vendor's responsibility to check back for any updates or changes
  • No notification of change or posted Addenda is sent from the Brown County Purchasing Open Project webpage

Any Project changes or updates will be posted in the form of an Addendum.

  • If an addendum is posted, an 'Addendum Aknowledgement' attachment will be required to be included in the Vendor's Response
  • Vendor responses missing the Addendum Acknowledgement maybe rejected
Vendor Response Requirements
  • Vendor Responses MUST be submitted in a sealed packet and according to appropriate project details
  • The lower left hand corner of the packert MUST be clearly marked with the appropriate project number and description
  • Packets with inadequate or missing identification may be rejected and returned to the vendor
Financial Verification / Information Released

Vendor’s financial solvency may be verified through financial background checks via Dun & Bradstreet or other means prior to contract award. No vendor will be given financial and/or vendor information until after the award has been made.

Delivery Options
  • No faxed responses will be accepted
  • Project details will define if vendor responses may be submitted via email
Due Date and Time

Brown County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all responses and to waive any informality with Vendor Responses. It is the responsibility of the potential vendor to ensure their response meets the appropriate project submission requirements and arrive by the required due date and time.

Anatomic clock is the official time stamp used by Brown County. Discrepancies between wall clocks, watches, cell phones, etc. will not be considered.

  • Vendor responses: MUST be received by the date and time specified in the project details
  • MUST be date and time stamped by Brown County
  • Packets not received by the specified date and time outlined in the project details , will be rejected

Current Open Projects

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