
Response Plans for Businesses

Business Template

Planning is an orderly, analytical, problem-solving process. It includes plan initiation, analysis of objectives, development and comparison of ways to achieve the objectives,and selection of the best solution.

Plans guide preparedness activities. They provide a common framework by establishing the desired end state, and the tasks and capabilities required to accomplish it.

Emergency planning addresses all hazards. The causes of emergencies can vary greatly, but many of the effects do not. This means planners can address emergency functions common to all hazards in the basic plan instead of having unique plans for every type of hazard.

Planning must involve all partners. The most realistic and complete plans are prepared by a team of representatives of the government agencies, private sector and nongovernmental organizations (partners) that will execute the plan.

Below is a plan for any size business:

All Hazards Preparedness & Emergency Response Plan

Template prepared by the Brown County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) with funding assistance by the
U.S. Department of Transportation, Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Planning Sub-Grant,
administered by Wisconsin Emergency Management