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About the Brown County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

The goals and objectives of this plan is to incorporate many of the same goals and objectives presented in the previous Brown County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan in addition to new goals and objectives that were added to continue developing a bicycle and walking culture in Brown County.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update - 2021

Local Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans 
Village of Suamico 2023-2027 Trail, Pedestrian, and Bicycle Plan
 Village of Suamico 2023-2027 Trail, Pedestrian, and Bicycle Recommendations Interactive Map
Village of Wrightstown - Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan 2020
Village of Hobart - Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan 2019

Safe Routes to School 
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs encourage children in grades K-8 to walk and bike to school by creating safer walking and biking routes, educating people about walking and biking safety, and enforcing traffic laws.  Safe Routes to School programs enable community leaders, schools, and parents across the United States to improve safety and encourage more children, including children with disabilities, to safely walk and bicycle to school. In the process, programs are working to reduce traffic congestion and improve health and the environment, making communities more livable for everyone.

Howard - Suamico Safe Routes to School Plan 2009
Allouez Safe Routes to School Plan 2012

Bicycle Facilities in Brown County
  • Bicycle maps

Related Plans, Studies, and Documents
Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update (2016)
2010-2014 Bicycle and Pedestrian Crash Analysis for Brown County (October 2016)
Model Ordinance for Pedestrian and Bicycle Friendly Site Design (July, 2012)
Town of Lawrence Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (2011)
Brown County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update (2011)
City of De Pere Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (2010)
Smart growth law presentation for pro walk-pro bike conference (September 2006)
Circular measures presentation for pro walk-pro bike conference (September 2006)
Riverside Drive Pedestrian Access Study (November 2004)
Fox River Trail Study (December 2001)
East River Trail Extension Plan (May 2000)
Fox River Trail Development Plan (May 1999)