The Carbon Reduation Program (CRP) provides funding for projects designed to reduce transportation emmissions from on-road sources.
Eligible projects include:
- Deployment of advanced transportation and congestion management technologies (e.g., infrastructure-based intelligent transportation systems, capital improvements and the installation of vehicle-to-infrastructure communications systems)
- Replacement of street lighting and traffic control devices with energy-efficient alternatives
- Right-of-way (ROW) projects that improve traffic flow that do not result in the construction of new capacity
For a complete listing of guidelines, application instructions, and application forms please visit WisDOT’s CRP information page. Projects within the Green Bay Urbanized Area will be considered for funding by the Brown County Planning Commission Board of Directors (MPO Policy Board).
Contact Us |
Lisa J. Conard, Principal Planner
Lisa.Conard@browncountywi.gov | Ker Vang, Senior Planner
Ker.Vang@browncountywi.gov |