Land Use Planning includes administering the county subdivision and platting regulations. Currently, the planning commission reviews all land divisions within the villages and towns that result in the creation of lots 10 acres or less in size that are located outside of the sewer service area and 40 acres or less in size inside of the sewer service area. Staff also reviews and makes recommendations regarding requests for variances from the subdivision regulations, serves as an objecting agency for all subdivision plats located within the cities, and develops Area Development Plans, erosion control and stormwater management plans, and the recommendations of the Brown County Comprehensive Plan-Vision for Great Communities.
Brown County Land Division & Subdivision Ordinance
- Brown County Land Division & Subdivision Ordinance - Chapter 21
You may view and print the ordinance. You must have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. (Click here to view and print)
- Brown County Subdivision Ordinance-Land Division Application (Click here for an application) (Click here for Online Payment)
Application form for the required fees charged by Brown County Planning Commission for review of proposed land divisions. The fees are subject to change.
This file needs Acrobat Reader. Click on the email hyperlink to submit a subdivision and certified survey map (CSM)
This file needs Acrobat Reader. Click on the email hyperlink to submit a subdivision and certified survey map (CSM)
- Subdivision and Certified Survey Map Submittal (Click here to submit via email)
- Find parcels, owners, and more on the Brown County Interactive Map (Click here)
- Complete listing of streets within Brown County
- Southwest De Pere Development Plan (2003) - This study assesses the impacts that previous and pending development decisions will have on the southwest portion of the City of De Pere and recommends several methods of creating a diverse, interesting, and sustainable neighborhood that will attract and retain residents for many years.
- Model Ordinance for Pedestrian- and Bicycle-Friendly Site Design (July, 2012)