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Section 85.21 Program Annual Funding Allocation from the State 

Brown County and the other counties in Wisconsin receive Section 85.21 Program funds from the state each year to pay for specialized transportation services for seniors and people with disabilities. The services that are funded through the Section 85.21 Program and the amounts allocated to these services are included in annual county plans that are approved by the organizations that oversee the programs. Brown County’s Section 85.21 Program is now administered by the Green Bay MPO, the approving organization for Brown County’s annual plan and program is the BCPC Board of Directors (which is the MPO’s Policy Board). 
Section 85.21 Program Trust 

Each county is allowed to establish a Section 85.21 Program Trust that retains program funds that are unspent at the end of each year. The trust funds can be spent on capital and other projects that are related to the Section 85.21 Program and that benefit seniors and people with disabilities. According to state administrative code, a county Section 85.21 Program Trust cannot contain more than $80,000 during any quarter of a year. If a trust’s balance exceeds $80,000, the excess funding must be returned to the state. 
Section 85.21 Project Application
2025 Brown County Section 85.21 Program Plan/Application
2024 Brown County Section 85.21 Program Plan/Application
Contact Us
If you have questions, please contact a staff by phone at 920-448-6480 or email.
Ker Vang, Senior Planner
Lisa J. Conard, Principal Planner 

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