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The Federal Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Program provides funding to the Green Bay Urbanized Area for use on a wide range of projects that preserve and improve the conditions and performance of surface transportation, including highway, transit, and other projects.  Projects receiving STBG dollars may be funded at a federal level between 50 and 80 percent.  The remaining funds are provided locally.

The Brown County Planning Commission has established a prioritization process for projects eligible for STBG funds. 
Project Prioritization Process  
MPO Scoring Form for Surface Transportation Block Grant eligible projects (Use Internet Explorer to download form)   
Note: Please consult WisDOT's Local Project Tools for guidance regarding design, construction, review & oversight costs, & scheduling at this link: WisDOT Local Program Guide

For complete guidelines, application instructions, and application forms please visit  WisDOT’s STBG information page
Contact Us
Please feel free to email a staff with any questions or contact us by phone at 920-448-6480 or email.
Cole Runge, Planning Director/MPO Director 
 Lisa J. Conard, Principal Planner 