Quick Links
Public Health Officer: Anna Nick  •  Phone: (920) 448-6400  •  Fax: (920) 448-6479  •  Click here to email
Physical Address: Duck Creek Center, 2198 Glendale Ave. Green Bay, WI 54303  •  Sophie Beaumont  •  111 N Jefferson St. Green Bay  •  WI 54301  •  Map
Mailing Address: Brown County Health and Human Services Department-Public Health Division  •  Nursing, Community Engagement, and Emergency Preparedness Units  •  111 N. Jefferson St.- Mezzanine  •  P. O. Box 23600  •  Green Bay, WI 54305-3600
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.  •  Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.  •   •  Closed major holidays.

New Hours

Brown County Public Health will have new operating hours starting Monday, August 12th.

Monday through Thursday: 7:30am - 5:00pm
Friday: 7:30am - 11:30am

This change will apply to both of our offices.
Population Health & Nursing at 111 N. Jefferson St
Environmental Health & Lab at 2198 Glendale Ave

Our Locations


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Brown County Public Health strives to provide excellent customer service. Please let us know how we can do better by completing this survey.

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We heard it would be useful to have flyers with public health messages in multiple languages. So, we created flyers in English, Spanish, Hmong, and other languages as requested. We heard it was difficult to find our location in downtown Green Bay on the Mezzanine Level of the Sophie Beaumont Building. So, we added additional signage and markers to help our office easier to find.

About Us

Mission Statement 
The Brown County Health & Human Services – Public Health Division protects and promotes health through prevention, education, and leadership. 

Program Description
The Brown County Health and Human Services Department-Public Health Division, in collaboration with community partners, accomplishes its mission by providing services relating to: communicable disease surveillance and control, prevention of chronic disease, injury and disability, maternal/child health promotion, management of environmental hazards, licensing and inspection visits, laboratory services, and preparation for emergency events in our community.

Communicable disease surveillance and control involves investigation of cases/contacts, provision of needed health care services and education. The immunization program provides recommended vaccines to all age groups, birth to adult. Prevention of complications from chronic disease is provided through assessment and education. 
Management of environmental problems is focused on animal/rabies investigation, human health hazard evaluation and follow-up, code enforcement, and well water testing, evaluation and follow-up. Licensing and inspection visits include licensing/inspection of food, lodging, body art establishments and recreational establishments. Laboratory services include tests related to licensed establishments and well and surface water sampling.

Additional public health services include advocating for sound public health policy to promote optimal health and well being of individuals and the environment.

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Outside our normal office hours
If you are a provider or an emergency first responder and have an emergent need requiring public health response, please call 920-406-6827 and you will be connected with our after hours call service.

Records Request: Click Here for More Information