
County Executive
County Executive Troy Streckenbach

The County Executive is the chief executive officer and chief elected official of the County and is responsible for the administration and management of the County. The Executive appoints and supervises department heads; appoints members to boards and committees; provides legislative research support; addresses constituents concerns; prepares and submits the annual County budget to the County Board for review and approval; represents the interests of the County at the local, state and federal level; and promotes the County through professional representation in a positive manner at community events. The Executive’s office also collaborates with County departments, local officials and the general public to further the interests of the County. There are currently 31 County departments that include approximately 1,600 positions with a budget of over $267 million annually. 

The mission of the Brown County Executive's Office is to coordinate and direct all administrative management functions of the County; to appoint qualified individuals to serve as County department heads and members of boards and commissions; and to annually prepare and submit a responsible County budget to the Board for review......

Visit the County Executive's Office

Clerk of Circuit Court
John Vanderleest

The office of the Clerk of Circuit Court is a constitutional office providing support to the circuit courts in Brown County.  The office maintains the official court records, manages and coordinates the general business and financial operations of the courts, and provides in-court clerks for the courts. The office generates revenue for the county and state by collecting fines, forfeitures, court costs, and fees. Staff duties include: maintaining court files, indexing records, recording minutes and orders, maintaining the jury system, and communicating the courts actions to the public and various governmental agencies. Brown County's current court records are maintained and presented with the Director of State Courts in Madison through the Circuit Court Automation Program (CCAP). .....

Visit the Clerk of Circuit Court
County Board of Supervisors

The Brown County Board of Supervisors operates under a committee system and county administrator form of government. The Board of Supervisors consists of 26 members who are elected by districts to a two-year term in even number years. From its members, the Board elects a Chair and a Vice-Chair as officers of the County Board. ...............

Visit the County Board of Supervisors

County Clerk

The purpose of the Brown County Clerk is to perform services for the public, including conducting elections, issuing and the distribution of Federal, state and county licenses and permits, publish annually the Brown County Directory, and supports the County's government information line. The County Clerk also serves the County Board by assuring completion of necessary support functions. The County Clerk is responsible for conducting county, state, and national elections to include: publishing of legal notices; filing of nomination papers; coding, printing, and distributing ballots; tabulating and releasing election results; and storing and maintaining election records, supplies, and ballots. The County Clerk's Office acts as an agent for the Department of State accepting applications for U.S. passports. Marriage licenses are issued to include obtaining confidential information, and the collection and payment of funds as necessary. Dog licenses are received and distributed to municipalities, as an agent of the state, to include the distribution of forms and the generation of reports. The County Clerk's Office also issues golf passes and certificates for the Brown County Golf Course; issues boat launch permits and work permits for minors; and issues emergency alarm permits. In addition, the County Clerk serves the County Board by recording and publishing the County Board proceedings, assuring compliance with open meeting and record laws, and maintains files of legal papers and other documents. The Clerk's Office provides numerous other auxiliary services, as required by law, to all constituencies internal and external to Brown County including annual payments for the upkeep of Veterans' Graves to Cemetery Associations. ..........

Visit the County Clerk's Office

District Attorney

Welcome to the Brown County District Attorney's Office. The purpose of the Brown County District Attorney’s Office is to prosecute and defend all actions, applications or motions, civil or criminal, in the Brown County courts which the state or county is interested in or a party to.  In conjunction with its Victim/Witness Program, the District Attorney’s Office also exists to ensure that all victims and witnesses of crime are treated with dignity, respect, courtesy, and sensitivity in protecting their rights as they encounter the criminal justice system.    

Visit the District Attorney's Office

Register of Deeds
Register of Deeds Cheryl Berken

The Register of Deeds office is responsible to provide the official county repository for Real Estate Records, Deeds, Land Contracts, Mortgages, UCC Filings, Subdivision Plats, Condominium Plats, Certified Survey Maps, Lis Pendens, Annexations, Resolutions, and other miscellaneous files; Vital Records - Birth, Death, Marriage, Domestic Partnerships and Military Discharges. Additionally, the Register of Deeds provides safe archival storage and convenient access to these public records. Using optical imaging technology, the department scans all real estate and vital records documents into an electronic format for permanent storage and retrieval. To implement statutory changes, system modernization, program and procedure evaluation and staff development to assure a high level of timely service for our citizens and customers......

Visit the Register of Deeds Office

Sheriff DeLain

The oldest Sheriff's Office in the State of Wisconsin  rich in tradition, achievement, and pride.  A winning team of over 300 law enforcement professionals dedicated to providing the highest level of services. The mission of the Brown County Sheriff's Office is to improve Public Safety through proactive, efficient and professional law enforcement services tailored to the needs of all people in Brown County. ...............


The Brown County Treasurer provides for the orderly collection, disbursement, and recording of all monies received or disbursed by the county. The County Treasurer is also charged with maintaining records of transactions affecting taxes and the safekeeping of all county funds including the investment of those funds as prescribed by the County Board.

The Brown County Treasurer's Office provides three major activities.

  • First, in accordance with state statute, the Office keeps records of all monies appropriated and disbursed regarding: general property taxes, bail, fines or forfeitures imposed by the courts for violation of state laws or county/municipal ordinances, fish and game fees, boat launch fees, and all other monies received by the County.
  • Second, the County Treasurer is charged with the safekeeping of all county funds and invests such funds consistent with the state statute and County Board policy.
  • The Brown County Treasurer's Office maintains property tax records and collects property taxes. The Office provides services to local municipal governments, treasurers, assessors, clerks, and to the public. The Treasurer also handles transactions affecting delinquent taxes and foreclosures......
Visit the Treasurer's Office