Civil Process
1. What do I need to do to get papers served?General
Please review the Civil Process Requirements for more information
- There is an $80.00 pre-payment per person to have papers served or a waiver of fees is required
- Papers can be dropped off or mailed to the Sheriff's Office
- They can also be emailed here or faxed to 920-448-4206
- A credit card payment over the phone will be required for email or faxed requests unless there is a waiver of fees.
- Please included the phone number where you can be reached for the credit card information
1. How do I find out if someone is in jail?Payments
You can use the Inmate Look up tool to see if the person you are looking for is in the Brown County Jail
2. How do I report a crime tip?
You can report your tip to the Sheriff's Office, using the online form or by calling (920)448-4200.
You can also report your tip through Green Bay Crime Stoppers.
3. What if I don't speak English fluently?
Language Assistance
4. When can I get fingerprinted?
Fingerprinting occurs Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1p-2p in the Brown County Sheriff's Office Investigative Division.Please bring with you:
- Livescan prints (digital prints) are $10/card
- Rolled inked prints (required for some CA and FL licenses and Federal Background checks) are $20/card
- Note: these take longer to process
- A current driver's license
- Any paperwork required for the background check
- Cash and check can be taken at the Investigative Division window
- Credit cards can be taken at the main Sheriff's Office Window at the front of the building
- All major credit cards accepted
1. Where do I pay my citation?Property
- Citations are paid at the courts in the jurisdiction that you received it in.
- The address is located in the upper left hand corner of the citation
1. How do I get my property back?
An appointment is required to retrieve your property. Property will not be available for pick up without an appointment with Evidence.
Evidence is returned when:If the property owner is unable to pick up their own property, a notarized letter authorizing a 3rd party to pick up property on their behalf is required.
- the case is closed through the courts
- You have been notified it can be returned by an investigator
- You have received a post card with a notice to pick up your property
- Surrendered firearms due to an Order to Surrender is required to be approved by the Court Commissioner after a hearing.
How to retrieve your property:
- parents of children under 18 who own the property do not need authorization
Property can be picked up at The Brown County Sheriff's Office Investigative Division Monday-Friday 8a-4:30p
- Contact Evidence (920)448-4261 to set up a time to retrieve your property
- Fill out the online submission form and Evidence will contact you with a time to retrieve your property
2. What do I do if I found property/lost property?
Found Property-
If you have found property, you must fill out the form here.
If you have found property with a value of $25 or more in U.S. Currency or goods valued at least $25, but no more than $100:If you have found goods (not currency) valued at $100 or more:
- please fill out and return the form above within 5 days
- Other than firearms or items that may have been involved in a crime, law enforcement will not take custody of found property unless the finder is waiing their claim to the property.
- The Sheriff's Office will post a notice of the found property in two public locations within the jurisdiction the property was located.
- The finder is financially responsible for any damage to the property by their use.
- If the finder wishes to claim the property they must take the following steps within 15 days
- Notify the law enforcement agency within 15 days of finding the property.
- Publish a Class 2 notice, at the finder's expense.
- Within 60 days of finding the property and before using it in any manner that lowers its value, the finder must obtain an appraisal which must be certified and kept on file at the Brown County Sheriff's Office.
- Keep reciepts, as the owner must reimburse the finder for any costs (class 2 notice costs), and a reasonable compensation for the finder's trouble.
- Failure to provide notice or obtain an appraisal within the applicable timelines will prevent the owner from claiming the property.
Lost Property-
If you have lost property, please review the link below for the list of found property reported to the Sheriff's Office.
If the property you lost is listed, please contact the Sheriff's Office (920)448-4200.
You must be able to provide proof that the property is in fact yours.
You must be able to give a timeframe and location of where the property was lost.
Found Property List