Sheriff's Office Main Banner
Sheriff's Office Main Banner
Deputies and officers at Timber Rattler Stadium
Deputies and officers at Timber Rattler Stadium
Sheriff, Chief Deputy and Captain Sandberg with
Sheriff, Chief Deputy and Captain Sandberg with
Sheriff's Rescue Truck Community Day
Sheriff's Rescue Truck Community Day

The Brown County Drug Task Force is a full time investigative unit assigned to investigate narcotics trafficking in the Brown County area. The Drug Task Force is governed by a Board of Directors which meets quarterly and is chaired by Sheriff Todd Delain.

The Task Force is comprised of Narcotics Investigators from:                                                       In 2010, Brown County was designated by Congress a HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area) which is augmented by a Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent.                            

The purpose of the DTF is to: WNOA Logo                                                                                            
The Brown County Drug Task Force was recently named Drug Task Force of the Year 
By the Wisconsin Narcotics Officers Association!

Large Mound of Weed      K9s with drugs in front of squad car    Large amount of cash