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September 27, 2021 - Wrightstown 4-H September Meeting

September Meeting RecapSubmitted By: Carlie Smits - Wrightstown 4H

We started our  September 12th Wrightstown 4H meeting at 4pm. We started by installing the new officers into their rolls.  President Madison Wiese called the meeting to order.  We then went through the agenda and followed with some fun activities.  We did an activity to teach everyone how to make a motion and a speed meeting activity to meet other members in the group.  We ended the meeting with build your own ice cream sundaes.  While eating our sundaes we talked about what roles and activities the older youth could lead throughout the year.

At 3pm the younger Cloverbud members participated in a fun meet and greet with Chris Clover and Chris worked with the younger members on the 4H pledge.

Our next meeting is Sunday, October 10th.