February 3, 2023 - Lost Dauphin January Club Update

This month, the Lost Dauphin 4-H Club held its first meeting of the year on Sunday, January 8th. After the meeting was called to order and pledges recited, club Vice President, Casey, led members in a fun icebreaker. The activity involved each club member writing down five things about his/herself on a piece of paper, crumpling up the paper, using everyone’s paper in a snowball fight, and then finding the person whose paper he/she picked up. It was a fun way for club members to get to know each other better! After going through the treasure’s report and club business, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. To finish out the night, club Recreational Leader, Haylee, taught club members to decorate cupcakes like sheep using frosting, mini marshmallows, a Hershey’s Kiss for the head, and two little pink candies for the eyes. The cupcakes were both a great fair project idea and a delicious way to wrap up the first meeting of 2023!
Later in the month, on the 22nd, the club headed to Winter Park in Kewaunee to enjoy a fun night of tubing. Club members invited family and friends, as well as members of another area 4-H club, and enjoyed three hours of snow filled fun. It was a great way for club members to have fun together outside of regular meetings and enjoy the wonderful winter weather!
Submitted by Elizabeth Gerrits