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August 3, 2021 - Blood Drive - Tuesday, August 31st

The Community Blood CenterDrive Details:
Site: Green Bay City Hall
Address: 100 N. Jefferson, Green Bay, WI, 54301
Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Time: 08:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Blood Program Leader Name: Kala Lardinois
Blood Program Leader Phone Number: (920) 448-3020
Click here to make an appointment

Thank you,
Kala Lardinois (Winkler)
City of Green Bay
Finance Office

Brown County Employees only: Blood cannot be donated on County time.
“A financial statement of the charitable organization disclosing assets, liabilities, fund balances, revenue, and expenses for the preceding fiscal year will be provided to any person upon request by the charitable organization.”