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September 28, 2022 - Audubon Society launches digital platform for bird migration!

In partnership with nine partner organizations, the National Audubon Society has launched an interactive free digital platform to track and understand the migration and conservation data for HUNDREDS of migratory birds!

It reveals insights about the journeys of individual species, the connectedness, through migratory birds, of any given location in the hemisphere, and also details how migratory birds encounter different conservation challenges.

The Bird Migration Explorer can also show when each of these species passes through a location, and the extent to which each of those species overlaps with any number of conservation challenges such as light pollution or power lines along their journeys. More generally, a user can see how countries in the Americas all are connected to each other by migratory birds, underscoring the importance of international cooperation and collaboration in the research and conservation of these species.

Check out the Bird Migration Explorer here.
ExplorAves, en español

See the press release here!