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September 15, 2022 - (Re)-Enroll in 4-H Online
It is time to re-enroll in 4-H Online!
For detailed instructions on enrolling in 4-H Online, you can access a family enrollment guide here.
Go to 4-H Online today to enroll in the 2022-2023 Program Year! Sign up soon, so you can register for events, get updated newsletters, and stay in the loop on all your favorite 4-H activities!
New to 4-H?
Learn about Brown County 4-H Clubs here. From there, select the club or clubs that interest you most. You can find Club Leader information posted for each club, as well as general club meeting information. Have more questions about what 4-H is? Visit our site here and/or contact our office at 4h@browncountywi.gov or 920.391.4654.