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December 6, 2023 - 4-H Club of the Month: Denmark Red Lightning

For the month of December, the Denmark Red Lightning are our club of the month!
Denmark Red Lightning 4-H Club is a small rural club which is very family oriented. I got the opportunity to find out a bit more about the club and it's leaders. Make sure to read below!
This club has been around since the 1960's and recently one of the leaders even found a savings book from 1961 that had been passed down from leader to leader.
Denmark Red Lightening participates in multiple projects such as Trap, Shooting sports, Archery, rabbits, poultry, vegetable gardening, house plants, robotics, and Cloverbuds, recycled art, community service and this year are even trying out leather craft, painting and woodworking!
This year the Denmark Red Lightning has been very busy! Their favorite experiences so far this year have been Touring the Austin Straubel Airport, Community service projects like when they scraped and painted the New Denmark Town Hall ramp and railings, painting flower pots/planting flowers for assisted living residence, adopting a family from their local community, the 3 on 3 Basketball/Bean Bag competition that they participated in, a tour of Maribel Caves and Picnic, painting the Brown County Fair Sign (and winning 4th place!), their ice cream social, the annual Pizza Ranch Fundraiser and most recently, the Denmark Red lightning Trunk or Treat booth!
Denmark Red Lightning has three leaders, Heather, Jennifer and Josh. Heather told me a bit about her experience as a leader for a 4-H club:
"Even though we are small, we make a big impact in our community! Many of our members are older (middle school and high school aged) and we are trying to grow with new younger members. The old members are great role models and mentors to our younger members.
4-H big was a big part of my youth. I joined when I was in third grade and continued all the way through high school. I was a teen leader in our club and also participated in many traveling opportunities in my county and in my state. I spent several summers as a camp counselor at a local 4-H camp and also participated in the Michigan 4-H Awards Program and Exploration Days at Michigan State University.
I say once a 4-H member, always a 4-H member. Now that I have gotten involved as a club leader I decided to introduce 4-H to my own children last July. My husband is also involved in 4-H. He never was involved as a youth, but is enjoying volunteering as an adult. My mom, who was a club leader when I was a youth, is back helping in the fair food stand."
4-H is more than just showing animals and projects at the county fair. 4-H is lifelong skills, making friends, learning to be a good citizen, and being a leader."
Club meetings for Denmark Red Lightning are held at New Denmark Town Hall every 3rd Tuesday of the month.
If your interested in finding more information make sure to head here