June 4, 2024 - Rockland Club Update

For our May Rockland 4-H meeting, we started off with tie-dying some clothes. Once the actual meeting started, we began with our normal routine of roll call and pledges. We kicked off our discussions with old business; last month's recycling and bake sale day which was a big success and profited almost $1,600.00 along with 22,750 pounds of recycling collected that day. Then we moved on to new business. We discussed signing up for shooting sports, and if there were any volunteers to help with the food stand at the fair on August 16th. Next, we had a reminder on some fair entries and the entries will open the 1st of June. On June 2nd, if members are interested, they can make the fair flower pot with some fellow members. (Meet at the town hall by 4:15) There is a cloverbud meeting at the STEM center on the 6th of June starting at 5:30. Following that we celebrated our cow judging winners and perfect scores. Ceramics opens soon so look forward to that. We have some members working on creating T-shirts for our members. We look forward to our next meeting for June dairy month along with ice cream and floats!
Submitted by Lacey B.