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Adult Protective Services

adult female holding hand of elderly adult maleFor immediate, life-threatening emergencies, please call 911 to request police, fire, and/or ambulance to respond.

The primary function of Adult Protective Services is to conduct investigations on referrals of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of vulnerable, disabled adults and elder persons. To make a report/referral during normal business hours, please call (920) 448-7885. After hours, please call the Crisis Center at (920) 436-8888.

Who is Reportable?NOTE: Who can be reported is only the “top of the funnel.” What actually happens to (or for) that individual depends on other factors such as competence, present risk, available supports and funding.

Types of Abuse Adult Protective Services Investigates:
Self-neglect, physical, emotional abuse and financial exploitation.

What is reportable?

Contact:  Adult Protective Services - Intake/Referral Line
Phone: (920) 448-7885
Fax: (920) 448-6197
Click here to email
Address:  Community Treatment Center
3150 Gershwin Dr
Green Bay, WI 54311