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Counseling - Adult AODA

People who need an intensive program to help begin their recovery from addiction but want to continue their normal activities, such as work or education, may find Intensive Outpatient Services to be a good fit. Outpatient counseling may also be a good option for those who cannot afford residential or inpatient treatment.

There are also many other agencies that provide Intensive Outpatient services in Brown County. For a listing of providers and the payment options they accept, click here to view a guide from the Brown County Aging and Disability Resource Center.

Counseling options at Brown County include:

AODA/OWI Assessment
Click here for more information about assessments

AODA Primary Group
A 90-minute intensive treatment group that meets three hours/week for 8 weeks. Both morning and evening programming are available

AODA Continuing Care Group
A 90-minute intensive treatment group that meets weekly for 16 weeks. Both morning and evening programming are available

Medication Group:
For individuals who have had a psychiatric evalution by a Brown County doctor but are waiting for an intake appointment, usually people coming off of Nicolet who have not yet had an outpatient appointment. It cannot be used as a first-time appointment or in crisis situations.

Contact:  AODA Secretary
Phone: (920) 391-4720