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Found Property
Report Found Property
Property found within Brown County must be reported to law enforcement.
If you have found property with a value of $25 or more in U.S. Currency or goods valued at least $25, but no more than $100:
- Per Wisconsin State Statute §170.11 provides financial liability for up to twice the value of the money or goods if they fail to provide notice or comply with the provision of §170.07 to 170.10.
- Other than firearms or items that may have been involved in a crime, law enforcement will not take custody of found property unless the finder is waiing their claim to the property.
- The Sheriff's Office will post a notice of the found property in two public locations within the jurisdiction the property was located.
- The finder is financially responsible for any damage to the property by their use.
- How to report this to law enforcement.
- Complete sections I and III of this form.
- Sign sand return the Brown County Sheriff's Office within 5 days of finding the property
- If the finder wishes to claim the property,they must take the following steps:
- Notify the law enforcement agency within 15 days of finding the property.
- Publish a Class 2 notice, at the finder's expense.
- Within 60 days of finding the property and before using it in any manner that lowers its value, the finder must obtain an appraisal which must be certified and kept on file at the Brown County Sheriff's Office.
- Keep reciepts, as the owner must reimburse the finder for any costs (class 2 notice costs), and a reasonable compensation for the finder's trouble.
- Failure to provide notice or obtain an appraisal within the applicable timelines will prevent the owner from claiming the property.
- How to report this to law enforcement
- Complete sections I, II, and III.
- Sign and return the Brown County Sheriff's Office within 15 days of finding the property.
Once completed, please return the form via email or in person to the Sheriff's Office within the the statutory time frame.
Search Found Property
If you believe property listed below is yours, please contact the Sheriff's Office (920) 448-4200.
You must be able to provide proof that the property is in fact yours.
You must be able to give a timeframe and location of where the property was lost.
Found Property List
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