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Lead Poisoning Assistance
Lead Testing Recommendations
- Every child should be tested for lead at age 1 and again at age 2
- A child should also be tested for lead between the ages of 3 and 5 if they have not been tested before.
- If the screening test (capillary) result is 3.5 mcg/dL or greater, then a confirmatory venous level will need to be drawn.
- If the child has a venous level of 3.5 mcg/dL or higher, interventions need to be imposed to bring the level down.
Where Can My Child Get Tested for Lead?
- Go to your child’s provider
- If you do not have health insurance, a test can be requested through the N.E.W Community Clinic at:
Green Bay, WI 54301
(920) 437-9773
- If your child receives WIC (Women, Infant, and Children), a screening test for lead (also known as capillary lead test) will be done in the office around the child’s 1st and 2nd birthday.
Resources/Information for Providers
- Coordinate Care with Public Health
- Public health needs to be notified when a child has a venous blood level of 3.5 or over (plan of care, retesting, etc.)
- Public health nurses will provide a home visit to any child who has a venous lead level over 3.5 to go over lead education and ways to decrease the lead level.
- If the child has 2 venous lead tests over 15 mcg/dL 3 months apart or 1 venous lead test over 20 mcg/dL, an environmental investigation on the home will be completed by public health sanitarians.
- Health Care Guidance for Lead-Poisoned Children
- Recommended Actions Based on Blood Lead Levels
- American Academy of Pediatric Lead Exposure and Lead Poisoning Information
- PEHSU Recommendations on Medical Management of Childhood Lead Exposure and Poisoning
- What Parents Need to Know to Protect Their Children
Resources for Lead Poisoning
- Lead Safe Wisconsin: Wisconsin Department of Health Services
- United States Environmental Protection Agency
- Lead and a Healthy Diet
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention
- Childhood Lead Poisoning: What You Should Know about Your Child’s Blood Lead Test Result
Lead in Your Home
- Wisconsin’s Lead-Safe Renovation Rule
- http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/code/admin_code/dhs/110/163/
- This law protects kids from poisonous lead paint dust that can be created during renovation work. This rule applies to renovation work done in housing and child-occupied facilities built any time before 1978
- Frequently asked questions about Wisconsin’s Lead-Safe Renovation Rule https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/lead/wilsr.htm
- You can report unsafe lead renovations on pre 1978 housing to Brown County Public Health (920)-448-6400
- Hire a lead investigation company to identify lead hazards.
- Find a lead-certified company to fix lead hazards
- Assistance for Fixing Lead Hazards
- Community Development Block Grant (CDGB)
- Brown County (does not include Green Bay)
- Northeastern Housing Region
- Brown County Planning Commission
(920) 448-6480
- Brown County Planning Commission
- Northeastern Housing Region
- Brown County (does not include Green Bay)
- Neighborhood Development and Home Improvement Loan
- City of Green Bay residents only
- (920) 448-3402
- Community Development Block Grant (CDGB)
- Lead-Safe Housing Rule: HUD
Brown County Lead Coalition
The mission of the Brown County Lead Coalition is to protect/prevent children (less than 6 years old) from lead poisoning in Brown County, Wisconsin.
- The Brown County lead coalition is comprised of different community members and agencies dedicated to protect our community’s children from lead poisoning.
- Facebook http://o https://www.facebook.com/BrownCountyPBCoalition/
Becky Micksch
- (920) 448-6435